December 05, 2005

What kind of freaky mama are you??

I was blog hopping, and came across this quiz, kind of a fun one - sometimes I just need to take a break and do something mindless for awhile. This moment is brought to you by the stress of Christmas shopping!!

Girly Mama 2
You're a girl power mommy! You love to be girly,
but you're no pushover. Your kids are learning
that gender differences don't have to mean
gender inequality. You've taken back pink, and
you don't care who knows it!

What kind of a freaky mother are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


  1. That quiz is too cool! I'm a Punk Rock Mama!!

    And by the way - the banners you did for Felicia and Bonni - INCREDIBLE!

  2. Too funny, GIRL POWER :) I'm like Julie, a Punk Rock Mommy

  3. Love it! I'm a Goth Mama, if you can believe that.
