February 19, 2012

Catch Up

Today my plan was to play catch up.  Catch up on LOAD, catch up on working out, catch up on Project Life.

I got up this morning and got a workout in - 2 miles.  I then decided to clean out and organize our dresser drawers and clostet.  Then I did dishes, laundry and made chocolate chip cookies.

Spent a lot of time on Pinterest today, finding Project Life ideas.  One of these days I will have amassed enough ideas and actually begin!

Day 11 of 19
Miles this Month: 25

February 18, 2012


I got drafted to sub for our Girl Scout leader who's daughter was ill.  I drove 5 girls over, along with another leader & the 6 girls in her car, to the Pacific Science Center in Seattle for an Ultimate Science Camp In.  There were about 200 Girl Scouts total there - and it was after the center closed - so we had the place to ourselves.  It was great fun!  We saw a show in the Planetarium, wandered the exhibits, made a balloon powered race car, went through the butterfly exhibit, saw a laser show & an IMAX movie and the girls danced with the Dinos.

Emma & Katelyn playing Checkers with the Chess pieces.

Groovik's Cube

Emma, Katelyn & Lily trying to recapture their childhood ;)

Dancing with Dino's

This 44 year old body does not like sleeping on a concrete floor.  Note to self - next time TAKE the camping pad even if it is a pain to carry.  We also had the joy of sleeping next to the Mold-O-Rama, a toy mold maker that has a compressor that went off about every 30 minutes.  So sleep was not restful.

By the time we got home around noon - I was totally wiped out.  I unloaded the truck, took a warm shower and vegged for the rest of day.  Mitch & Brett attended a Blue & Gold dinner for Scouts, and Emma and I vegged.  So no workout or LOAD for me today.

Day 10 of 18
Miles this Month: 23

February 17, 2012

My streak has ended

My LOAD (layout a day) streak is at an end. Got drafted to be an emergency fill in for a girl scout overnighter - so won't have time to scrap before I head out :(

Day 10 of 17
Miles this Month: 23

February 16, 2012

LOAD Day 16

Today's prompt was about Neighbors.  I chose to do a layout about our neighbors who are our family.

Likes Kids

Day 10 of 16
Miles this Month: 23

February 15, 2012


Celebrating - I reached my first weight loss goal today. I guess all those miles on the treadmill have paid off!  I wasn't able to make it onto the treadmill today - life got in the way.  But I'm glad to see some success!

Today's LOAD prompt was to scrap a memory about a song.  This is the first thing that popped into my mind.  I had to add the journaling after taking a photo of the layout - as my white journaling pen chose now to dry up.

Love to be serenaded by you

Day 10 of 15
Miles this Month: 23

February 14, 2012

LOAD Day 14

Today's prompt was a love that lasts. Since today is Valentine's day - it seemed appropriate to do a layout about my Valentine and our love.

Big Love

Day 10 of 14
Miles this Month: 23

February 13, 2012

LOAD disappointment

Today's prompt was a hobby that has been with you a long time.  I have had a lot of crafty things that I have done in my life, {macrame, hook latch, cross stitch, photography, scrapbooking} and other hobbies -{genealogy, logic problems, sudoku} but the one that has stuck with me is reading. 

I had a really hard time coming up with something for this prompt, and this poster had been making the rounds on FB, it comes from the Trying God's Patience FB page.  This page needs more embellishments, but I didn't have the time or the inclination - so I'll go back to it later.  This is the page I'm least proud of.


Day 9 of 13
Miles this Month: 21

February 12, 2012

Today is brought to you by the number 12

Today is the day of TWELVE.  I participated in Take Twelve and had a lot of fun trying to take 12 photos of my life during this day.

I used Cathy Zielske's 12 on the 12th template, easy peasy.

I also did my LOAD layout #12 the prompt was history repeating itself.

Four Generations

Day 8 of 12
Miles this Month: 18.5

February 11, 2012

LOAD Day 11

Day 11's prompt was School Days.  While looking for photos to scrap, I ran across our  Senior year ID cards and decided to use those.  I scraplifted a layout from stwidwell (I don't remember where I saw it at).

I am not really pleased with the execution of this layout.  I like the overall idea, but am not 100% pleased with the turn out, but it is another memory saved!

= true Love

Day 7 of 11
Miles this Month: 16.5

February 10, 2012

LOAD Day 10

Ahh, double digits - 10 down, 19 to go.  Today's prompt was a childhood memory.  I have a terrible memory when it comes to anything to do with my early childhood years, so I chose a more recent memory, having to do with my brother Vern's visit to Guam.  Coincidentally I talked with him today :)


Day 7 of 10
Miles this Month: 16.5

February 09, 2012

LOAD Day 9

Home Sweet Home

Day 9 prompt was about your home.  I wrote about my scrap area.  The layout isn't such a baby poop green in real life!

No workout today, I came home and read for a bit and then made Chili for dinner and by the time all that was done and I got my layout finished - it was too late to workout.

Day  6 of 9
Miles this Month: 14

February 08, 2012

A Day in the Life

I am documenting today .  Stay tuned tomorrow for the pictures that I took today, showing how I lived my oh so exciting life on February 8th!

Today's prompt is I Miss.  This is what I miss.  

I Miss

I did a double work out today to make up for missing out yesterday.  I walked 4 miles while catching up on episodes of Downton Abbey.

Day 6 of 8
Miles this Month: 14

February 07, 2012

Busy day

Today's prompt was I always thought.  Lots of ways to interpret that on, I ended up with a what was I thinking type layout because by the time we got home from Scouts at 9pm, this is the best I could whip out.  Not super happy with it - but it is done.


I missed out on working out today.  Was a super busy day with work, errands, making home made mac n cheese for the first time and Scouts.  I've been pretty good about keeping up with my commitments/goals so far this month and I'm taking on another.  Tomorrow I will be doing A Day in the Life along with Ali Edwards and her blog followers.  Stay tuned for all the photos :)

Day 5 of 7
Miles this month: 10

February 06, 2012

Hello Monday!

Busy, busy day is Monday!  Have the day off from my regular job, but that usually means I am working on my other jobs, scheduler, cook, maid, accountant, volunteer etc.  This Monday was no different.  I volunteered in Emma's classroom, tanned, came home and cleaned and did laundry, organized chore charts, meal plans, did Braeden's taxes, paid bills, balanced the checkbook and did our taxes.  Then I worked out, got dinner ready and was finally able to work on my layout for LOAD212.

The Voice

Now I am off to watch some episodes of Shameless with the hubby and say goodnight to this oh so very busy but productive day!

Day 5 of 6
Miles this Month: 10

February 05, 2012

Superbowl Sunday

We aren't a huge football family.  My husband doesn't spend time watching sports.  My oldest son is getting more into it, watching the games and playing a lot of Madden 2012.  My youngest son plays football at the middle school.  But, we always watch the Superbowl.

Emma spent a lot of time planning her snack choices for the game.  In the end it came down to a couple of stand by favorites.  French Bread loaf w/ savory dip and a snack plate of summer sausage, cheese and Ritz crackers.  We also had some left over pizza and Emma baked some cupcakes.

Emma also chose her favorite team carefully, and even picked out an outfit to wear in her chosen teams colors. Emma chose to root for the Patriots. Just before the game, she asked me who I was rooting for, and I told her that I guessed that I would root for the Giants, and my only reason - I don't really care for Tom Brady.  This upset Emma greatly and she was put out with me for the rest of the game - especially since my team won!

The half time show was pretty good - I liked the older Madonna songs - but didn't care for the new one at all.  I think you are officially retirement age (or past)  when you are asked to headline a Super Bowl Half Time show. The commercials weren't too great this year, my favorite was the one with the kid in the pool, and the M&M one.  The absolute best was the promo for The Voice.

After the game, we watched The Voice.   We enjoyed the premise, but all agreed that we do not care at all for Christina Aguilera - she comes off as so fake and insincere.  When Emma found out that there was no age restrictions, she was very excited to think that she could audition. She said she  would love to go up there and sing and surprise them when she turned around and they saw that she was only eleven. I love that she has big dreams.

My layout for day 5 of LOAD.  The prompt was about things that stay the same.  My papers are from the Clementine pack from Project Life, Tiny Alpha by adorn it, and Thickers alphabet. Excuse the terrible photo, it was getting late and I was in a rush and didn't change my white balance to account for the lighting.

The More he changes..

Day 4 of 5
Miles this Month: 8

February 04, 2012

LOAD Day 4

Today I scraplifted a layout from my friend Jen .  I didn't follow the prompt for today, as I was getting down to the wire to finish the layout for today and I hadn't found a photo to suit the prompt yet.

First Snow Angel on the First Snow Day

Today was the final day of Merit Badge clinic, I am sure that Brett and Mitch both are glad it is over.  Emma and I went and got our nails done and pedicures and then took the car to be washed.  After that, it was time for Brett and I to head to Wal-Mart for our 2 hour shift selling See's candy bars to raise money for the band trip to Disneyland.  He sold 84 bars and got $44.22 in donations - so $128.22 will go towards his trip.  So far he has raised over $350 and we turned in over $400 in change that we had saved up.  So his trip is paid for, time to get mine paid for ;)

Day 3 of 4
Miles this Month: 6

February 03, 2012

Scrappin' with Jen!

Today I got to scrap with my best scrappin' buddy Jen!  Jen lives in South Korea - and via the miracle that is Facetime - we got to scrap together for a couple of hours.  She got two great layouts done - and I finished one for LOAD 212.  I can't wait until we can actually get together and scrap!  I miss my friend.

Here is the layout for today's LOAD 212, the prompt was about how your life is different than maybe you expected.


Day 3 of 3
Miles this Month: 6