April 23, 2007

Finally time to scrap...

Mitch left for New Mexico yesterday, and I finally have some time to scrap - yeah me. I got a few layouts done that I really like (click on the layout for credits )
and then one that I wasn't super happy with[photopress:shades1.jpg,full,centered] for some reason the title just wasn't sitting well with me - but I decided to move on for a bit. I then tried to put together 2 other layouts from that kit and they came crashing down around my ears - so I've decided to put that kit away for awhile - but on the bright side - while playing with the 2 crash and burn layouts, I came across the perfect fix for my title dilemma[photopress:shades.jpg,full,centered]. I changed to lime Chip Chatter from Pressed Petals - I think it is much more fun and fits the overall color scheme. So I guess that is the silver lining of my 2 disasters :) Look on the bright side - right?

April 20, 2007

New Washing Machine

Did you know that a typical top loading washing machine uses 40-55 gallons of water PER load?? I sure didn't. But, we have been having a bit of trouble with our septic running high - due to our water usage - and this seems to be a big culprit. We do 3 loads every other day - so that is a lot of water.

So, Mitch and I did some research, and found the cheapest, most water efficient front loading washing machine that Consumer Reports recommends. They delivered it and I've run a few loads - WOW. It spins the clothes almost dry - is so quiet - and on average front loading washing machines use 12-25 gallons of water per load. Big water savings!!

April 17, 2007

Spa Day

I had a spa day yesterday. Well really, Emma and I had a spa day :) I had to take her to the doctor, for another consult about her sty - and now she is being referred to the opthamology clinic. After that - we headed over to Mimi's Nail Salon, and I had a full set of acrylics put on and a pedicure. Emma got some silver sparkly nail polish put on - she was in heaven. Then we went over to Third Dimension Salon - and while Emma was getting her hair trimmed - I got my eyebrows and lip waxed :) Then we went to lunch. Quite a nice day.

Later, I went to Desert Sun Tanning Salon and did the Mystic tan. The spray on stuff. Kinda weird to stand in a booth and have a tan sprayed on ya. But it looked good and Mitch was so impressed with my "tan". LOL.

I wouldn't go and do nails and tans and stuff if it weren't for Mitch - he loves that stuff - so I keep it up for him.

April 16, 2007

Take Me Out to the Ball Park

We bought tickets from the Elementary School for Salute to Kid's day at Safeco Field, where the Seattle Mariners baseball team plays. I was super excited to go, as I haven't been to a Mariners game since I was a kid, and that was WAY before the new stadium.

We parked a couple blocks away from the field, and walked. Emma stopped at one point and started jumping up and down and pointing while hollering "A Taxi, A Taxi". Poor little country bumpkin had never seen an actual taxi - lol.

We also stopped and saw Waterfall Gardens, this beautiful waterfall garden [photopress:waterfall.gif,full,centered] Gorgeous!!

Emma and Brett couldn't wait to buy souvenirs and also Emma had to have a pretzel and Brett wanted a hot dog. The weather was gorgeous and we all had a great time.


April 07, 2007

The Point Defiance Zoo

My sister Janet and her daughter Serene came over and spent Spring Break with us. The weather was great, the kids got along so well that I was wishing they could just stay forever :) We went to the zoo in Tacoma, the weather was pushing 80 and we got some gorgeous photos and had a great time.