March 15, 2011


Normally I am a glass half full kind of gal, but occasionally I will get a little black cloud that hangs over my head and makes me a threat to anyone that looks at me remotely funny.  Today is such a day and I know why I am feeling this way and it is because of something that should be making me happy and excited.

30 days until Mitch comes home.  This should be a cause for celebration, it is something that we are all looking forward to, but right now I'm feeling more than just a little cranky about the whole thing. He has been gone over a year, and I am feeling frazzled.  Feeling like I am hanging on by my fingernails and it won't take much to tip me over the edge.  I know that soon I will begin to feel the excitement of him coming home, right now I just feel like it has been a long hard road and I want to lay my head down and cry for awhile.

So being a military spouse, I won't do what I want, but I will pick myself up, dry my eyes and put a brave face on for my kids and my hubby - while inside I am chanting a mantra of  "I can do this for 30 more days" and hope that will make it a reality.

March 08, 2011

Oh my heck - it's March 8th already?

Where does the time go?  It sure does seem to fly by when it comes to having time to do the fun things, like scrapping, genealogy, reading, blogging etc.  But when it comes to the countdown for Mitch to come home, that seems to operate at a slower pace :)

We are now at 38 days and counting.  It is almost time to really start sorting through things, and deep cleaning.  Mitch is a much better housekeeper than I am - so I need to step up my game before he comes home :)

Lately, I've been all about the genealogy - spending tons of hours over at doing research on the various branches of  Mitch and my family.  I have recently discovered some photos of ancestors that other genealogy buffs had posted to their family trees, including the headstone for Mitch's second great grandfather.  I also discovered that for years, I had selective dyslexia when it came to my Grandfather's middle name.  I have always written and said it as Byron, but recently my eyes uncrossed and I discovered it is actually Bryon.

Brett seems the most interested in the findings, but he is mainly hoping that we have an interesting outlaw hiding in the family tree.  I'm fairly sure we are just a normal American family, with normal ancestors, but I'm not going to dim his enthusiasm with the truth just yet!