November 30, 2005

Blogging 101

Okay, since Fee and Larry threatened to have me do the banners on their blogs, I spent a little bit of time working on mine.

The little cutie pie doll is from The Digi Chick , and the background papers and cute little naughty and nice tags are from Jasbeanie. Both are digital scrapping stores, and they have such awesome stuff!!!

So now if Fee and Larry come after me, I've got my ducks in a row!!

November 29, 2005

Another survey

My very good friend Amy sent this to me, so if she has time with a newborn to answer this and send it along - then I guess I'd better do it to!

Welcome to the new edition of "Getting to know your friends." or the
much more popular title, "I am taking a break from my job to do
something else." Yes, it takes a few minutes, but if someone mails it
back to you all filled out, you get to know that person a little bit
better. Just copy (not forward) this entire e-mail and paste it into a
new e-mail that you can send. Change all the answers so that they apply
to you. Then send this to a whole bunch of people you know won't
complain, INCLUDING the person that sent it to you. Some of you may get
this several times (hey, that means you have a lot of friends!)

1. What is your occupation? Mom/part time office worker
2. Do you like banana sandwiches? Can't say, never had one
3. What are you listening to right now? Cartoon network on Brett's TV
4. What was the last thing you ate? Chocolate ice cream cone from DQ
5. Do you wish on stars? Yes
6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Burnt Sienna
7. How is the weather right now? 35 and dropping.
8. Last person you spoke to on the phone? My DH Mitch.
9. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Yup, loads.
10. How old are you today? 38 and some change
11. Favorite drink? Pepsi
12. Favorite sport to watch? Basketball
13. Have you ever dyed your hair? Yup
14. Do you wear contacts or glasses? neither
15. Pets? A border collie mix named Angel
16. Favorite Month? October, love the crisp fall air.
17. Favorite food? Mexican
18. What was the last movie you watched? War of the Worlds.
19. Favorite day of the year? Hmm, toughie. Guess I'll go with the typical, any day that my children are happy.
20. What do you do to vent anger? I'm a yeller.
21. What was your favorite toy as a child? My bike
22. Fall or Spring? Fall
23. Hugs or kisses? Hugs
24. Cherry or Blueberry? Cherry!
25. Do you want your friends to email you back? Yes
26. Who is most likely to respond? Probably no one!
27. Who is least likely to respond? everyone?
28. Living arrangements? Live with DH and kids in a manufactured home on 1/2 acre.
29. When was the last time you cried? Last night - missing my Mom during the holidays.
30. What is on the floor of your closet? Shoes and boxes
31. Who is the friend you have had the longest? Tina - she lived next door to me when I was 5, don't talk to her much, but still friends.
32. What did you do last night? Watched TV.
33. What inspires you? Scrap Addict scrappers
34. What are you afraid of? Suffocating.
35. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburgers? Cheese
36. Favorite car? Volvo S70
37. Favorite dog breed? Cocker Spaniel
38. How long at your current job? Gresham Well Drilling almost a year.
40. Favorite day of the week? Thursday
41. How many states have you lived in? 5 and one U.S. Territory...Guam.
42. How many cities have you lived in? 9
43. What is the last book you read? The Chronicles of Narnia book 1

November 28, 2005

Kim Needs

Okay, jumping on the google bandwagon here and here are my results:

Kim needs to take off the gloves (hmm, don't wear them, specially not rubber gloves, I have a latex sensitivity)

Kim needs to talk (DH thinks I need to talk with a therapist :) )

Kim needs some hints (I'll take any hints I can get - weight loss, make-up, sex,) oops did I type that out loud??

Kim needs her space (yup, her very own, very large, scrap space!)

Kim needs help big time (well duh!!)

Kim needs to call these things "laws" or "principiles" (well, ok!)

Kim needs him most (hey, they been reading my diary??)

Kim needs your help (uh, I'm sensing a theme here - time to stop!)

November 27, 2005

And so it begins!

Well I only work 3 days a week, 3 hours a day, but somehow I can not seem to get organized. I so envy the ones that make it look easy, but suffice to say that when I took the "Which Desperate Housewive are you?" quiz, I was Susan. I knew I was a bit scattered, but I didn't think I was that bad!!

DH and I were driving into town, and I was listing off all the obligations that we have coming up. Made my brain hurt just thinking about it. How many times do you think I can use the excuse - my kids are sick - before people catch on or my kids REALLY do get sick?

I think that my alarm should say ...and their off!!!!!

But on a great side note - yesterday DH and I went and picked out our flooring for our kitchen and bathrooms. We live in a manufactured home, or in red-neck language a trailer. Emma calls it a rectangle house when she tells me how much she wished we lived in a square house :) Anyway, it had cheapo linoleum flooring which wasn't wearing well, so we decided to change it out. Thought vinyl sheet flooring would be great, but it is expensive. Was cheaper to go with snap laminate. Did you know they make snap laminate that looks like tile? It's not just hardwood anymore Toto. It is awesome, and so easy to install!! Here are some before and after pictures

***Ugly floor warning*** Before picture

and here is the new improved floor

I think it looks so much better, and so do the kids. Now if DH would just finish putting in the transition piece that goes from the carpet to the new higher tile, so I quit stubbing my toe!

November 08, 2005


Last night was my first Weight Watchers meeting, and it was okay. The people weren't overly friendly, but then again I'm not the type to be that way either, and I'd guess I'm not the only one. Today I started counting my points. It is nice to not have to deprive myself of stuff I like or that the kids are eating - as long as I stay within my points.

So, here's hoping this works - cause I have packed on the pounds in recent years and I am sick of it!

November 05, 2005

It's early, as usual and no one else is up but me. I'm helping to run a cyber crop on MSP and had to get some challenges posted. After I finish this blog, I'm heading to the scrapbook nook, to get started on some stuff.

Yesterday my brain was scrambled. I forgot Braeden's dental appointment, and missed some events I was supposed to run on the cyber crop. Guess I need some ginko!

Brett fell at school again, that is twice in 2 days and bumped his head. Different bump than the one from before LOL. He is okay, but he did tell me that rainy day recess is dangerous. The nurse said when she called that she sure enjoyed him, he is a delight. That's my Brett - the drama king that you never know what funny thing is going to pop out of his mouth!

Emma's teacher said that she was delightful and she so enjoyed her, she actually stopped me on the steps of the school to tell me that. Sniff, sniff - makes a momma proud! Then tonight Emma told me that her teacher asked her how she became so darn cute! Aww, the teacher loves my baby like I do!!

Braeden is grounded for telling us a lie. His online friend called, and we were concerned with how an out of state person got our phone number, Braeden tried to tell us that is was someone else on the phone. Uh, brain fart Braeden, we have CALLER ID!! We still don't know exactly how the kid/guy ended up with our number, but not a lot we can do about it now. So hopefully he will learn it is easier to just tell the truth, especially cause he is jones'n for his X-box. Been grounded off it for 4 days, and they had just gotten a couple games that they had pre-ordered - so he is dyin' to play!!

November 04, 2005


Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes. Henry David Thoreau

Well lets hope that quote isn't true, as I am starting on a new regime of excercise and diet. I went and bought new shoes and clothes for excercising yesterday and will be joining Weight Watchers and going to my first meeting on Monday. Wish me luck. I have a long way to go to get to my goal weight!
Well I'm going to attempt to write down some things that maybe I would forget if I didn't have a blog. We will see how it goes!!

You are welcome to read my entries, although if you do, you have less of a life than I do! So be warned.

Today it is very windy outside, but it is Friday so that makes it all good. We are having a cyber crop on the Military Scrappers Paradise (MSP) yahoo group, so I am hoping to get some scrapping done. I have several projects on the burner, my altered assignment for, a creativity jar for becca and Lily for winning my challenge in August - sorry guys! A christmas tag swap for the HQSwappers yahoo group, a clipboard swap for MSP, a secret santa exchange for MSP and Scrap Addict. Man, I shouldn't have started listing them, now I am overwhelmed!!

Scrap Addict has monthly sponsors now, and this months sponsor is Junkitz. The owner Stacey and some of her DT showed up over at Scrap Addict for a chat. They seem like a lot of fun and a great group!! They also have blogz - check them out at

The next sponsor is Sweetwater and I so love their papers. I have some altered items to do for the sponsorship and can't wait to get started!!

Well, signing off for now. Going to put a roast with baby red potatoes, carrots, mushrooms and onions in the crockpot. My brother Vern will be here and is staying the weekend. Should be fun if I can tear him away from football!!

See you same bat time, same bat channel!