June 30, 2008

Awesome Ribs

When my Uncle Jesse & Aunt Pauline were here, she made Awesome Ribs. Braeden scarfed them up and they were, well, awesome! So she gave me the recipe - she had made lots of copies of it - and has been handing out out to everyone that has them LOL.

I made them tonight for the neighbors - and ended up having to copy the recipe for them!!

So now I share it with you, it isn't really a recipe - but a way of cooking them. They come out very tender!

Awesome Baby Back Ribs
1,2, or 3 Racks of Ribs
Cookie Sheets
BBQ Dry season (must contain: garlic, onion, salt & pepper) (I used only that)
Your favorite BBQ sauce (I used Sweet Baby Ray's Honey BBQ Sauce)

Set oven to 280 degrees, no need to preheat.

Place Ribs on cookie sheet.

Sprinkle seasons on Ribs. Season to desired taste.
Spicy - add more.
Not so spicy add less
Really spicy add extra hot spices


Cover the entire cookie sheet with foil.

    Completely sealing the cookie sheet

Place in over for 2 hours for the 1st rack of ribs, additional racks add 1 hour of cooking time per rack.


After cooking time is up - open the foil. Cover Ribs with BBQ Sauce - Place back in oven without cover or place on warm low BBQ. Cook at same temp for another 1/2 hour - adding BBQ sauce to your desired amount.

There you go - Awesome Ribs. Leave me a comment if you try out the recipe :)

June 18, 2008

Rattlesnake Pasta

Okay, cause Lacey & Mel asked - I'll clarify. It really isn't rattlesnake at all - LOL. It's called that, cause of the pepperjack cheese in it - gives it a "bite".

Penne Pasta, Alfredo Sauce, Chicken, Mushroom, Jalapeno's (optional) and pepper jack cheese.

Cube chicken and cook through. Cook Penne according to pkg instructions. Drain, return to heat. Add Alfredo Sauce and cooked chicken, mushrooms and jalapenos - heat through and Stir thorougly. Pour into 9X13 baking dish. Cover completely with shredded Pepper Jack Cheese. Bake at 350 degrees for approx 30 minutes or until cheese is melted and dish is heated through.

Recipe is something DH concocted after eating a similar dish at CiCi's pizza in Rhode Island

June 17, 2008


So Lacey tagged me a bit ago and I'm just getting around to doing it.

6 Things

The theme topic is to share six unimportant things about myself and then to tag six other people to do the same thing.

Here are the rules:
1. Link back to the person who tagged you.
2. Post these rules on your blog.
3. Share six unimportant things about yourself.
4. Tag six random people at the end of your entry

My 6 things.
1. I dip my fries in my milkshakes
2. I brush my teeth in the shower
3. I own more scrap supplies than I'll ever need
4. I have very little scrapping mojo
5. I have better internet friends than IRL
6. I sometimes eat left handed.

Now the second Meme…

4 jobs I have had in my life
1. waitress
2. substitute teacher
3. receptionist
4. general office manager

4 movies I have watched more than once
1. Anna & The King
2. Sound of Music
3. 13 Going on 30
4. Terminator

4 places I have lived
1. Irrigon, OR
2. Norfolk, VA
3. Santa Rita, GUAM
4. Bremerton, WA

4 TV shows I watch/watched
1. Bones
2. House
3. Grey's Anatomy
4. Battlestar Galactica

4 places I have been
1. San Antonio
2. Dubai
3. Hawaii
4. Los Angeles

4 people who email me regularly
1. Terry
2. June
3. Jen
4. Karen

4 of my favorite foods
1. chicken cheese enchiladas
2. rattlesnake pasta
3. BBQ Chicken Pizza
4. Steak

4 places I would like to visit
1. Greece
2. Italy
3. France
4. Australia

4 things I am looking forward to in the coming year
1. losing weight
2. Braeden graduating
3. Mitch coming home
4. fulfilling a dream

Who do I tag?

No one, because I waited so long to do this - everyone is already tagged!

June 15, 2008

Wii Love

Mitch told me to go get a Wii and a couple of games for the younger 2 kiddos today - as an early birthday present. So with some advice from some friends and the clerk at Game Crazy - we bought our Wii and Mario Kart and Mario Party 8.

As soon as we got home, we hooked it up and played Wii Sports - tennis, then bowling, then golf. I sucked at tennis and golf. Then we played Mario Party 8 - which I thought was boring. Then the kids played games they had rented - Bratz, and Ninja Reflexes. After awhile it was time for Mario Kart - this even brought the oldest kidlet out of his room - and after a bit he wanted to play boxing.

So he boxed his little sister - it was great! Too hard to describe - so here is the video


June 13, 2008

Oh my heck!

So I'm killing time - reading blogs today - and I come across a post on Cynthia's blog (I am a Coconut) entitled Does Steve Perry look different to you?

How the heck did I miss this news? I am such a Journey fan!! This just blows me away!!


June 12, 2008

Karma Baby!

I learned something today - that makes me a true believer in the what comes around goes around school of thought! Big high five to Karma today!!

June 11, 2008

Back from Dubai

It was a quick trip. 2 days travel time and 5 days there - but it was all the time Mitch could take off - and all the time that I could be away from the kiddos!

It was an awesome trip - I could so live in Dubai - it reminded me a lot of San Antonio for some reason LOL. Driving home seemed so quite though - no horn honking - in Dubai they drive crazy - and honk their horns if you aren't moving quickly enough for them etc.

I took a ton of pictures. I uploaded them to Picasa - if you click on the links and view them as a slideshow you can read the captions.

Dubai Album 1
Dubai Album Part 2