July 19, 2010

Tales from the Scale - W2D1

Another tough workout today - further evidence that I need to do some form of work - out daily - even though I have been very active with yard work and cleaning. My calves were soo tired and burning. BUT - my feet still feel great.

Still trying to work out a way to use my Nike+ sensor when I run barefoot - haven't come across any solution yet - so I'll keep looking.

I used my Gorillamobile for the first time today - Love, LOve, LOVE it!!! Keep the ipod nice and steady on the treadmill while I ran.

Now I'm waiting to hear from the shipping company - so I know when they are going to deliver my treadmill - supposed to be tomorrow - we will see.

July 18, 2010

Heavy Lifting

Got the shed cleared out - everything that is going into storage is staged in the back yard to be loaded into the SUV and taken to the storage unit that we rented. We were having trouble with a lovely rat (notice the sarcasm?) - that was chewing through the plastic bins that we had stuff in - and it ruined a couple of afghans that my Grandma and Mom had crocheted :( So to keep stuff safe and to get Braeden's stuff out of the work out room - we rented a storage unit.

Did a lot of heavy lifting today. In addition to shifting stuff out of the shed, we had six 60lb bags of quick set concrete mix, and I decided to move it into the shed. YIKES.

So no workout in the workout room - but still a pretty good workout.

July 17, 2010

Tales from the Scale - The Ugly Truth

No workout scheduled for today - had hoped to fit in some Yoga or something - but that didn't happen - not with 2 extra kids underfoot and cleaning and yard work to do.

So instead - I took some measurements and a picture - to hopefully motivate me and also show my progress as this journey continues. 

I bought that full length mirror specially for this picture and so that I can get a real look at how I look - too easy to be in denial when you only see from the waist up.

So here is my ugly truth. 

I'll add the measurements later - after I find them again.

July 16, 2010

Tales from the Scale - W1D3

Today was a toughy - workout felt sluggish.

I wonder if on my off days I should do Wii Fit or Wii Active, yoga or something.  Evidentally the yard work I did yesterday didn't keep my motivation going enough for the workout today to feel good. 

My feet still feel really good - so I'm sticking with the barefoot running - even though my feet get sooo dirty.  Mitch thinks maybe the belt on the treadmill needs cleaned and it will be better - but since the new treadmill is arriving next week - I'm not gonna worry about it.

July 15, 2010

Energy plus!

No workout for me today, but boy  have I felt a surge in energy since I started working out.  Yesterday I worked out, then worked a full day, then came home and did 3 hours of yard work. 

Kids weren't too happy with Mom's extra energy though as I made them work along side me!

July 14, 2010

Tales from the Scale - W1D2

Did my workout today - then decided to read the instructions - and DOH!  I'm supposed to do the routines 3 days a week, every other day.  LOL.  Oh well -guess I'll take a break tomorrow. And try and do MWF from now on. 

Workout felt really good and easy - so far loving running barefoot - only drawback is

Not a pretty sight!

July 13, 2010

Tales from the Scale - W1D1

Ala  CZ  I am going to document my journey from fat to fit.

Reading along as CZ has progressed on her journey has been an inspiration, and I am finally ready to put my feet to the path and begin my journey. My goal is to get down under 200 pounds, for the first time in too long, and also to be ready to run a 5K with my husband when he returns from his deployment to Africa.  These goals need to be met by April 2011. 

I began by getting my equipment in order, figuring that the money outlay would help keep me motivated ;)  I ordered a new treadmill one that is more suited for running, bought a Nike+ iPod Sport Kit, and a sensor pouch for my non-nike+ shoes. I also downloaded some apps from iTunes for my iPod Touch - One Hundred Push Ups , Two Hundred Sit Ups , and Couch to 5K .  I also ordered a Gorillamobile for my iPod touch - so I can put it on the treadmill while I workout.

Then I cleaned out the work out room so it will be ready for the new treadmill when it arrives next week.  Until it arrives I will be working out on the old faithful treadmill, that Mitch has almost worn out with his running. The room is pretty bare, but eventually I will get a TV up on the wall and maybe some posters.

After reading about it and talking with Mitch I have decided that I am going to be a barefoot runner. In the past I have always had problems with shoe fit, even though I've gone to running stores and had my gait analyzed and shoes fit for me. I would end up with numb feet and sore shins.  After reading about barefoot runners on RLAM, I've decided it might just be for me.  Now what to do with my Nike+ sensor....hmmm.

During my work out today, my shins didn't hurt, my bad leg didn't bother me, and I didn't get any numbness in my feet. I'm hoping that continues and that barefoot is the way to go for me. If this continues to work for me and if I get brave and try running outside, I will get some of the Vibram Five Fingers -aren't they uuuugly?

All in all, my workout today took me about an hour.  I worked out first thing this morning before work, and now I feel like I could/should work out again tonight - LOL.  Let's hope this honeymoon phase continues!

January 04, 2010


Today has been a very successful day and I'm feeling pretty productive. I got a lot of things done off of my "to do" list, got our reservations made for our trip to go see Braeden graduate boot camp (knock on wood that he graduates), got caught up on PTA stuff and I finally lost my crown. Not a tiara type crown, but a tooth type crown.

Yup, I lost my crown. The crown has been loose for months, and the dentist wanted me to chew gum, and try and get it to come off by itself, cause he was afraid if he pulled it off he would break it. So, I have been diligently doing everything they tell you not to do when you have a crown, and it finally - success!! Only problem is that the dentist is out of the office until Thursday, today is Monday. So I get to walk around with my "hillbilly hole" until then.

Have any small children you'd like to scare? Drop me a line - my kids assure me that the gaping hole will do the trick!

January 03, 2010

Last day of vacation

Oh, woe is me. Tomorrow starts up all the routine things again, no more staying in PJ's all day, no more watching hours of streaming Netflix, no more Doctor Who-athon's with Emma. Back to daily trips to drop and pick the kids up at school, back to volunteering, back to work, back to all the regular things that make up our days. Sigh... I miss vacation already.

January 02, 2010

22 Years

22 years ago today, I married this man:

and I thank my lucky stars every day that I did, and my children thank me too!

January 01, 2010

Happy New Year 2010!!!

We had a very nice party last night with a few friends, Paula & Danh and their 2 kiddos, Keith & Jody and Bruce. Great food, the guys played King Oil and the kids played in the bedroom. The gals just sat around and chatted.

The weather today is windy and rainy, so we voted to just have a stay in day! Mitch & I traded anniversary presents early, I wanted him to be able to start watching the Star Trek movie, he was really pleased with his present. I loved mine, The Art of Mastering French Cooking boxed set. Fun to look through and read. Will have to see what I can make out of it.

About noon I started not feeling well, guess I've come down with some stomach bug. Hope it is just the 24 hour variety and that this doesn't show how 2010 is going to go for me health wise.

Going to get our tickets for Braeden's boot camp graduation (PIR). Hope the weather cooperates for us to fly into Milwaukee. I miss that kid, his letters are so mature sounding, it will be good to see for myself how he has changed.

Hope everyone had a safe and Happy New Year. My wish for everyone is that the best of last year, is the worst of this year!