January 31, 2012

Bad Mom or Good Mom??

Emma is so into the Hunger Games series, she read the Hunger Games and has already started Catching Fire.  She really wanted to finish reading today, so sucker that I am - I let her stay home from school today and read.  Bad Mom or Good Mom??

Yesterday while we were home, I did some reorganizing and cleaning in my scraproom in order to get ready for LOAD 212. This meant that Emma also had to clean her side of the area.  Mitch had been very critical of the way she was keeping it, so she was told to shape up or ship out LOL.  I'd say she successfully shaped up!

Also in order to get ready - I ordered more adhesive from framingsupplies.com, it had been awhile since my last order and I had forgotten how happy their packaging always makes me and the kids!
Nothing more fun that popping bubble wrap! Inside that big bubble wrap package is a small box of 10 adhesive tape refills :)  Happy scrapping!

Day 24 of 31
Miles this Month: 46.5

January 30, 2012


Both Brett and Emma stayed home sick from school today.  They both had a bit of a stomach ache and spent the day this way:

Brett is relaxing in the recliner with a WarHammer book that he checked out from our awesome local library.

Emma is glued to the iPad, reading Hunger Games via the Kindle app.

I love that the kids love to read.  There is nothing like curling up with a good book and letting it sweep you away to another time and place!

While we had the day off from responsibilities - I tried to make up some of the miles that I missed out on while sick and  put in 4 miles on the treadmill.  It felt really good to knock out that many miles and once and has made me realize that I need to push myself more in my upcoming workouts.

Day 23 of 30
Miles this Month: 44.25

January 29, 2012

A review of The Grey

Mitch and the boys have been looking forward to going and seeing The Grey for some time now.  They went today, and while they all agreed that it was a great movie - they weren't so thrilled with the ending.  Braeden's comment was "It was the movie equivalent of blue ball."  I tell ya, that kid is witty, crude maybe - witty definitely!

After the boys were done at the movies - we all met up at our local burger joint - The Grub Hut, for some not so good for you, fabulous tasting food.  Brett wasn't feeling well, so he only shared some of our fries.  Braeden also had a stomach ache, but managed to finish off a BBQ Burger, fries and some of my onion rings.  Mitch had a regular cheeseburger and fries and about 1/2 of my Marley Burger( Beef, grilled pineapple and onion, pepper jack cheese, baby spinach,  and jerk mayo) and some of my  beer battered home made onion rings.  Emma had a Bacon Cheeseburger with fries  and a chocolate shake.  It was $34.00 which is probably what the rot gut at McDonalds would have cost us.  So glad we have our own local dive!

Day 22 of 29
Miles this Month: 40.25

January 28, 2012

Local theater

Do you have a local theater near you?  If you do, a very enjoyable evening can be had by going and watching a production there. Tonight I took my dear neighbor/friend Ruth out to dinner and a night at the theater.  We enjoyed some wonderful Tapas at the Paella Bar and then on to Jewelbox Theater for The Fourth Wall.  It is a very intimate theater - and you can tell that some of the people there are regulars and really put their all into viewing the performance.  It was my first taste of a local production - and it is one that I will repeat as soon as possible!

Today was the second week of Merit Badge clinic and then Brett went with his friend Victor to Sky High Sports.  They have trampoline floors and walls.  The event was put on my the Boy Scouts for scouts that sold over $1500 in popcorn and a friend (Brett was the friend).  There were over 100 boys there - so it was chaotic.  Brett really enjoyed it and wants to go again, and again, and again!

Day 22 of 28
Miles this Month: 40.25

January 27, 2012

Family favorite card game

This is a card game that Mitch and I were introduced to when we lived in Guam, waaay back in 1995 (yikes).  We have had many decks of this game, have introduced many new players to this game, and spent many an evening in friendly *snort* competition.

We have also introduced our children to this game, and I love it when Braeden is home and asks if we want to play.  We played several games recently while Braeden was home on leave - and the brat won almost all of them - LOL.  That is probably why he asks to play!

Braeden was home tonight to enjoy some left-over Lasagna, play Phase 10 and watch Real Steel with Dad and I while Brett played games and Emma was at Leadership Journey overnight for Girl Scouts.  It is always great to have him home, even for just a short while.

Day 21 of 27
Miles this Month: 38

January 26, 2012


I made this yummy Lasagna for dinner tonight.  And my picky eater Brett said "Now I know why this is  Garfield's favorite dish!".  High praise indeed.  Recipe is from Pioneer Woman.

Day 21 of 26
Miles this Month: 38

January 25, 2012

Nothing better than a warm tushie

Went and picked up the car today, it had been in having the heated seats installed.  There was no way I was going to have a car with leather seats and not have them heated.  I know, spoiled much?  But seriously, there is nothing better than a warm tushie on a cold morning ;)

Day 20 of 25
Miles this Month: 36

January 24, 2012

A to Z 2012 - Book A

A Farewell to ArmsA Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I found this to be a very dry read.  Overly descriptive and I felt no connection to the characters.  Not a very good start to my year of reading classics!

View all my reviews

Day 20 of 24
Miles this Month: 36

January 23, 2012

Layout #2 for 2012

I put the finishing  touches on layout #2 for 2012 today.  Not sure I'm loving it, but it is done and I am loving that!

Took the Kia in today to get heated seats installed.  When we bought the car it had leather seats, but they weren't heated.  I've been spoiled because the 4Runner did have that, so no way was I going without :)  We had it worked into the deal to have them installed.  I got a rental car and it wasn't shabby at all - it was a 2012 Toyota Camry with only 900 miles on it!  And since I used to own a Camry - it was like visiting with an old friend.

I've also decided that my new most favorite app for my iPad is :

I used it today to get some recipes off of The Pioneer Woman blog and then I made some absolutely tasty homemade chicken noodle soup.

I even used a whole fryer chicken for the first time ever!  It cooked up great and as you can see from the picture below - the meat was just falling off the bone!

I might turn into a cook yet!

Day 20 of 23
Miles this Month: 36

January 22, 2012

The Millennium Trilogy

Mitch and I spent the last few nights watching the Swedish movies of these books.   They were very good movies, if a bit graphic at times.  We really enjoyed them and were sorry to finish with the third one and know that we were done.  Well not really done - we can go see the English version of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo if we wanted to, but not so sure that we do!

Day 19 of 22
Miles this Month: 34.5

January 21, 2012

Merit Badge Clinic

Today was the 1st day of Boy Scout Merit Badge Clinic.  Brett is taking Chemistry, Electricity and Citizenship and the World.  Mitch and I took the adult leadership class that is offered during the clinic.  Mitch is contemplating being Scoutmaster for Brett's troop, he is going to take the training and see if it is something he could/wants to do and also is going to see how Brett would feel being the Scoutmaster's son.

Day 18 of 21
Miles this Month: 33.00

January 20, 2012

Just a scrappin'

Today I finally finished  a layout.  My first for 2012.  I have done some partial things that I need to finish, but this is the first complete one for 2012.  It feels good to be back to scrapping and being creative.  My plan for 2012 is to scrap more than I did in 2011 - which shouldn't be difficult LOL.

Supplies are all from Studio Calico kits and my stash.  I used a PageMaps sketch as the basis for this layout. I find that I need a sketch to use as a starting point for my layouts.  How 'bout you? Please excuse the crappy photo - one day I will figure out how to take good photos of my layouts.  I will add that to my list!


Day 18 of 20
Miles this Month: 33.00

January 19, 2012

Snow much hype

Well Snowpocalypse turned into snow much hype.  Although we got enough snow to bring everything pretty much to a halt - we got nowhere near 17 inches of snow.

Today we were supposed to begin to thaw out - and have some freezing rain.  Early morning freezing rain - quickly turned to snow and it has been snowing steady all day.  I would say it brought another 3 inches of snow - bringing out total to around 6 inches give or take.

It has been nice to be relaxed and at home with the kiddos, and not have to go out in the wide, white, world. Mitch has not been so lucky.  He has been having to go into work every day, as he is "essential personnel".  The upside for him is that he loves to drive in this stuff and is loving the way his F150 handles the bad roads.

While we have been "trapped", we have been catching up on some shows and trying out some new ones.  Mitch has been coming home aearly in the afternoon and we have been watching Homeland on Showtime.  Great new series - glad we signed up for Showtime, this series has made it worth it.  If you haven't watched it, try it out!

Day 17 of 19
Miles this Month: 30.25

January 18, 2012

Snow Day

Well, this is our first full snow day.  Kids are so excited to be able to stay home - and Emma is excited to get out in the snow and play.  Brett, not so much.  The forecasters called for this to be the worst storm our area has seen since 1996 up to 17" of snow in our area.  Snowpocalypse, Snowmaggedon, Snowtopia - I've heard it called lots of things.  We will see if it it just turns into Snow much hype!  So far it is looking to not be snow bad.

Day 16 of 18
Miles this Month: 28.25

January 17, 2012

A to Z Reading Challenge 2012

Read 26 books in a year, one for each letter of the alphabet. (X just has to have X somewhere in the title)

I chose classics - some I have read long ago - and don't remember well - others I've never read. I am anxious for my first book to come from the library - so I can get started!

 If you want to play along - click on the logo above - and join in!

You can view my list on Goodreads or in the Goodreads widget in the right side bar of this blog. I will rate each book as I read it :)  Here is to a year of great reading!

Day 15 of 17
Miles this Month: 25.25

January 16, 2012

War Horse

Mitch and I took the kids down to our local small town theater to see War Horse on MLK Jr. Day.  The theater was pleasantly filled - which is nice to see, as I know the owner struggles to keep seats filled.  This movie garnered a lot of audience participation, we shared laughs, outrage, fear and tears.
For me, the beginning of the movie was rather slow - and I got a little bored - but it held Mitch, Brett & Emma's attention the full time.  I guess I expected more action from the get go.  The cinematography is gorgeous, the horse is beautiful and the story is heart warming.  One warning though - better bring a big box of tissues!

Day 14 of 16
Miles this Month: 23.25

January 15, 2012

The number for the year is 12

Project 12

Are you doing Project 12 this year?  I sure seem to be taking on a lot of projects this year so far.  I am going to try to do this one too, I like the idea of having a monthly sketch and color scheme.  Looking forward to giving this a shot - and today is the day!!  {photo soon}

Day 13 of 15
Miles this Month: 21

January 14, 2012


Today we experienced the generosity of our community.  Brett is traveling with the marching band to Disneyland over Memorial weekend.  The cost of said trip is over $800.  So, the band boosters have set up fund raising opportunities.  Today, we participated in a site sale of See's Candy Bars at our local Wal-Mart.
Candy bars sold for $2.00 each and $1.00 of that would go into Brett's travel account.  We also had a donation jar set up.  We stood out in the cold for 2 hours from 2-4 and Brett sold 64 candy bars and got $66.00 in donations.  Some people that looked like they had very little to spare - were only too happy to share their memories of band, or middle school and leave a hard earned dollar in the donation jar - or more - or even less.  Every bit of it was precious, and showing my children the generosity of our community was priceless.  Hopefully they will take this as a lesson to always pass their good fortune on, no matter how small the gesture may be.

Day 12 of 14
Miles this Month: 19

January 13, 2012

Friday the 13th

Well, here it is, the first Friday the 13th of 2012.  Are you superstitious?  I would say that overall I am not.  I don't put much stock in that type of stuff, but I do err on the side of caution and don't actively seek out black cats to cross paths with, or ladders to walk under, or mirrors to break.

It is week 2 of Project Life - and I am still waiting on page protectors to get my album going.  I will have to play some catch up. But I am trying to stay more "in the moment" in life, and pay attention to details and things to add to Project Life.

I've gotten started getting my Move More, Eat Well album put together, now to do the measuring and journaling and print out my pictures. {photo soon}

I've also started on my One Little Word album, just need to print our the photos and do some research on my word.  I have been using my word PURPOSE as I make decision about what to do in my life. I love having a word, and wish I had started sooner! {photo soon}

Day 12 of 13
Miles this Month: 19

January 12, 2012

Take Twelve

 This month I am going to have to fake this and take my 12 photos on another day, as I seem to have gone the majority of the day with no camera in hand.   I will get on the bandwagon next month and remember to actually have my camera with me on the 12th of February!

Day 11 of 12
Miles this Month: 17

January 11, 2012


I have two stay at home sickies.  Both of them with icky tummies.  Brett seems to be worse off than Emma.  I hope they both get to feeling better and are back on track soon. I also hope it doesn't make its way though the rest of us, as that would put me off of my workout stride.

Braeden is headed back to Everett and the Navy.  He had been enjoying some leave time, and we were fortunate to have him stay with us for most of it.  Of course we had to share him with friends, and football, and Xbox Live - but we got to feed him LOL and play many games of Phase 10.  I will miss the big lug when he is gone - so fortunate to have him close by and get to see him as often as we do though.

Day 10 of 11
Miles this Month: 15

January 10, 2012

Cry Baby Tut part deux

Well, had a discussion with my boss today - caused more tears on both our parts.  I so hate confrontation, even gentle ones.  But this was one that was past due - and now we can move forward.  So I am still working, for now - and as they find someone to take the position into the future (since I can only give them a guarantee of a year) I will gladly step aside and focus more on things at home.

I am going to make a list of DIY projects and things I need to learn to complete them.    I love lists!  I am also going to work on designing some printables that will help me get and stay organized.  When I am done - I will share them here for anyone that is interested!

Day 9 of 10
Miles this Month: 14

January 09, 2012

Monday, Monday

I really enjoy my days off, even though sometimes they are stuff full of errands and volunteering and chores.  They still offer little chunks of time for ME!  And this year I am determined to live my life and not let it live me!
So today, I volunteered and then headed home to spend some time scrapbooking.  But, best laid plans and all, Emma ended up needing picked up from school as she was feeling sickly.  So instead of scrapping my memories, I made memories by laying down with my little girl and watching Harry Potter with her.  I love that she wants to be with me, that she says it makes her feel better.  It makes me feel better to be with my kiddos too!

Day 8 of 9
Miles this Month: 13

January 08, 2012

Day 7 of 8

Today was day 7 of 8 for working out.  I feel pretty proud of myself for sticking with it and for pushing myself to go the two miles, instead of the 1.5 that just doing C25K gets me.  So this is day 7 of 21 days to a habit!

Day 7 of  8
Miles this Month: 11

January 07, 2012

Day off

Today was my day off from exercising.  I am hoping to exercise 6 days a week, since I am not in great shape - I am trying to do around 2 miles a day on the treadmill and then begin working my way up!!!  This is part and parcel of living my life with PURPOSE - and the purpose here is to be healthy as I head into middle age - or past it- depending on how you view middle age!

I am still waiting for some page protectors to come in so that I can get started on my Project Life, MMEW and One Little Word binders.  Fingers crossed for this weekend!!

Day 6 of 7
Miles this Month: 9

January 06, 2012

Cry Baby Tut

Sheesh, I am 44 years old, an adult by all accounts.  So why, when I am trying to relay something that is stressful or emotional do I have to cry??  I hate that I do this, but don't know how to get around it.  So that is my epic fail for today - being a crybaby tut. {I don't actually know what a cry baby tut is, it is just a family saying - maybe it means we are the king (pharoah) of cry babies?}

Epic fail#2 - I should have read my horoscope before starting out with my cry baby tutness today -
Today goes well for you if you can keep your feelings to yourself, since your desires will likely conflict with what others want. Unfortunately, you have something to say and you don't want to put it off. Once you begin expressing yourself, it's hard to know when to stop. You could work yourself into a state of anxiety that makes you less effective in communicating your message. Avoid becoming a victim of your own passion now by using as few words as you can to explain your point of view.

But on the positive side - today is day 6 of working out.  I am going to make it to the 21 day mark and call it officially a habit!

Day 6 of 6
Miles this Month: 9

January 05, 2012

Oh my darlin', oh my darlin', oh my darlin'....


My Project Life binder, core kit and patterned papers came today.  Oh eye candy!  Oh creative juices flowing!
I can't wait to watch the getting started video - and well Get Started!

Day 5 of 5
Miles this Month: 7