April 16, 2008

Emma Pie

I signed Emma up with a username at Scrap Shanty - she's EmmaPie. She is such a good little scrapbooker and she wanted to be able to share her layouts - hence her own username. Here is her latest layout:

She picked everything out herself - did her own stamping and cutting and designing.

April 13, 2008

Moving & Mojo

Well, not satisfied with the major move I made a couple of weeks ago, I've now tweaked the furniture arrangment in the new scrap area - to hopefully jumpstart my mojo.

And speaking of the dreaded mojo - this just totally made me laugh today

I would need to have the mojo box permanently checked!!

You can find it and other funny items here -

April 07, 2008

Oh mean mean Mom!

I got a look at Braeden's progress report today - and it was not a pretty sight! All his grades went down from his last report card.

Algebra 2/Trig - F
US History/Government - C+
Computer Programming B-
German II - C-
Chemistry - F
AP English - D+
Creative Writing -A (this is the class he transferred to from AP English)

So now we have had a loud discussion - and I have let him know that I will be taken seriously on this. I have treated him like an adult - and let him know what was expected of him - but not looked over his shoulder - and this is how I get repaid. So no more treating him like an adult. His cell phone privliges are gone, no more computer or xbox, no more watching movies, his car keys are pulled except for driving back and forth to work. He can spend more time with his nose in a text book. When these grades come up to an acceptable level - he can earn some of his privliges back.

So I'm sure that right about now he hates my guts. Sigh.

April 05, 2008

I moved!

Last fall I moved into the spare bedroom and Mitch bought me awesome furniture for my new scraproom. I loved having my own space - but it was at the very end of the house - and very much out of the flow of the family. Plus it wasn't large enough for more than me plus 1 more person.

So I got a wild hair the other day, and decided that I was tired of looking at all the excercise equipment in the family room - and I would move it into the spare bedroom and move my scraproom into the family room. The family room is in the heart of the house and is open to the dining room and the living room. I can see the TV in the living room from here - am just outside the kid's bedrooms and there is a window looking out onto the backyard. I think with summer coming that being able to watch the kids & dog play in the yard will be a good thing.

So with a lot of heavy lifting help from Braeden - we finally got everything moved around. We still need to put the Bo-Flex back together in the new excercise room - so that is the plan for this week sometime. Still need to do a bit more organizing in the new scrap area and then I'll post some pictures.

So far I'm loving it :) I might have to move again when Mitch gets home though - he might not like looking at my scrap stuff LOL.

April 04, 2008

Our Turn

Well the cold/flu seems to have been sweeping the nation - and now I guess it is our turn - Emma & I at least. We are both runny nose, sore throat, headache, fever today. Spent a lot of time in bed - which is unusual as neither of us are nappers normally. Let's hope we just get through it quickly.

April 02, 2008

Nature Walk

Emma had a playdate this afternoon with her friend Holly. While she was there - Brett and I went on a nature walk of sorts. Brett's class is doing letterboxes for their auction item for the upcoming School Auction. I volunteered to hide 2 of them. You hid them in publicly accessible locations and give clues for how to find them. So this was a research nature walk to figure out where to hide them.

Brett and I really enjoyed being out in the nice weather (for a change) and walking through the trails to Carpenter Lake.

And then we went to The Quiet Place and walked along the trails there to the Fern Bowl and back.

We hid one letterbox at Carpenter Lake

and the other at The Quiet Place

We hope the auction winner enjoys the treasure inside and the nature walks to find them and leaves the letterboxes for future letterboxers to enjoy. For more information on letterboxing visit www.letterboxing.org

Phase 2 Complete

MIL and her dog just left after being here since 3/30. Brett & Emma had a playdate on 4/1 with some friends - so while they were there - MIL & I went shopping. Bought some new material for her to make me a throw to replace the one she had made me that Mitch took with him to Bahrain. The other stuff we were looking for - we couldn't find. But we did have a nice lunch at the chinese restaurant Sian Palace in Poulsbo. MIL found some of the material she was looking for for a quilt she is making for SIL - I even helped her find some batik fabric that she needed - which was lucky - cause I can't sew at all LOL. The Kingston Quilt Shop is great for those types of fabrics - and the lady there was a great help! MIL left happy.