June 30, 2006

Ahh... Love

Last year Mitch and I attended our 20th high school reunion. It was so awesome to see people and catch up. We had a blast...especially hanging out with one of our friends BigK. He wasn't going to come to the reunion, had just been through some tragic life events. But he heard that Mitch and I (mainly, okay-probably 100% Mitch) and so he came. He ended up attending every event and having a great time. Later we heard that he had started dating another of our high school friends that was at the reunion, and over the past year we have gotten updates that they are doing great - have so much in common and are very happy.

Today I got a wedding invitation in the mail!! I am so very happy for these two people who have been through it in their lives, that they have found each other at the right time in their life and are enjoying themselves. I wish them all the happiness in the world.

S. wrote a nice little note in the invitation thanking Mitch and I for getting BigK there. I probably don't deserve any of the credit, but it is nice to think I had a hand in their happiness :)

June 27, 2006

New family fun item!

Well, Mitch used the chinese water torture method to convince me to buy a boat. He's been wanting one for years - and finally talked me into it. We spent the day Saturday shopping. Looked at a few old ones, and then went to Olympic Boat Center and looked at a lot of new ones!!

Mitch wanted the 17 foot one, but I thought the 18 foot one would be better for us. He finally decided to get the 18 foot one, which surprised me, and then commented that we should name it Kim's Choice.

But after taking it out on the Puget Sound on Sunday, he admitted that he wouldn't want a smaller boat on those waters, or for our family. So I think we should call it I Told You So or Mother Knows Best :)

Here is a picture of our un-named beauty

We had such a great time on it with the kids. I was a bit worried how Brett and Emma would do on it, but they love it and can't wait to go back out. We are planning on going to Oregon over the 4th and spending lots of time on the boat on the Columbia River - so hopefully they will continue to love it.

Here is a somewhat blurry shot that Braeden took while we were out on Sunday.

Hope you all are enjoying your summer!

June 06, 2006

Got Cards??

I hosted a Got Cards? Challenge during NSD month over at www.scrapaddict.com and made this card organizer as part of the prize for the drawing winner. Was quick and easy to make, using instructions from Self Addressed. I used papers from the Scrap Addict altered kit - XYZ, PDQ.

June 05, 2006

Men at Work

June 4th, 2006

Mitch and the kids moved 25 yards of 1/4- basalt to resurface our drive way. What a lot of work - took about 10 hours of Mitch and Braeden working hard! Emma worked pretty good too, Brett worked when forced :) We payed all the kids $10 an hour - so they were happy. While they all worked, I scrapped and snapped pictures -so I was happy too.

Here are some pics:


and after.

Well worth all their hard work!

June 02, 2006

Scrap Addict Blogger Challenge #2

Todays challenge is to list 3 obscure facts about yourself, things people wouldn't know unless you told them.

1. I hate feet. DH gets very mad, cause I won't let his feet touch me. Can't stand it.

2. I hate having my face touched or anything over it.

3. I almost drowned when I was 2 - my brother who was 15 saved me.