December 24, 2007

Happy Holidays!

Hope that everyone has a wonderful, warm and happy Christmas. We broke with tradition this year, and opened all of our presents on Christmas Eve. As usual everyone got quite a haul - and they are now quite contentedly playing with their loot.

Tomorrow will be a nice relaxing day, getting up and opening the stockings and the Santa presents and then relaxing until the neighbors come over for Christmas dinner. Mitch is making his super-wonderful Prime Rib - my mouth is watering just thinking about it!!

Here's little Emma in her Santa hat - look at that mischief in her eyes! I think her Dad & I are gonna be in trouble in her teen years :)

December 15, 2007

Scrap Shanty kit sponsor layout

Summer Fun

Uses the Metro Chic kit from the Scrap Shanty December Sponsor
The Scrapping Spot and the December Sketch Challenge Sketch.

To the kit I added:
Chip Chatter Alpha, White cardstock, White uniball signo pen, White Souffle pen.

December 12, 2007

What in the world was I thinking?

Every year, I vow to start making my Christmas cards earlier - or even **gasp** buying them. Every year I end up making them, and starting the 2nd week of December LOL. Considering that I send out over 100 of those suckers - I guess I'd call myself a glutton for punishment!

This is what the card making production line looks like. Thank goodness for my Cricut going to town cutting out all the circles :)


December 11, 2007

Bows, and bows and bows

One of the DT members, Amy - over at Scrap Shanty, made up an awesome tutoral for the upcoming Cyber Crop.  Making your own bows from scrapbook paper.  Amy gave us a sneak peak of the tutorial and Emma & I couldn't resist making some bows of our own.


December 09, 2007

Go Team!

Braeden is playing on the Parks & Rec league for the 4th year in a row. He has the same coach from last year, and a lot of the same players - they are hoping to be the league & Golden Ball champs again this year. They got off to a good start, winning their first game 26-19. Braeden played really tough - and scored 8 points. Go TEAM! (that is their name, LOL - Team!) That's Braeden - #39

December 08, 2007

Citizen Soldier by 3 Doors Down

For Brett, who loved this video when we saw it at the movie theater.


December 06, 2007

Christmas Tree

We put up our tree tonight. Mitch assembled it, and since its pre-lit we didn't have to do anything with the lights. I put up the snowflake garland and bead garland and then the kids did the rest. Turned out pretty good I think.

December 04, 2007

Time for the Ark?

This is our flooded yard.

After getting about 10 inches of rain in 24 hours - Mitch had to make a sump pump by using our garden hose to suction water out into our culvert. Mitch actually put his mouth on the hose and sucked to get a suction started - he said I didn't wanna know what he sucked into his mouth - GROSS! But it did the job, and helped to get what we were calling Jones Sea to abate quickly after it quit raining.