July 31, 2006

Playing Catch - up again

Man - I have got to get a better handle on this blogging - maybe a sticky note on the computer would help. Lord knows I'm on the computer often enough!! And sometimes I even think about blogging - but get sidetracked. Story of my life!!
So from the July 4th blog and up to here are going to be new posts. Sorry to make it so hard on ya, if you actually read this - but my blog is more for a place to keep track of stuff so I can remember and journal it, if I ever get to scrapping again. Seems that the FSB (Fat Scrappin' Bastard) has struck again and has taken my MOJO. I have tried to even make cards - hoping that would jump start it - but no joy. So until the FSB brings me back my MOJO - I guess I'll update my blog :)

July 29, 2006

July 29th Blog Challenge

Described your loved ones in 5 words each. This includes your hubby, kids or anyone else... including pets if you want!

1. Hard working
2. Funny
3. Mischevious
4. Loyal
5. Cute

1. Tall
2. Good looking
3. Shaggy
4. Funny
5. Teenager

1. Emotional
2. Funny
3. Obsessive
4. Handsome
5. Affectionate

1. Drama
2. Loving
3. Silly
4. Smart
5. Pretty

July 22, 2006

July 22nd Blog Challenge

Do a favorites list

5 favorite foods
1. Pineapple
2. Pizza
3. Steak
4. Mexican
5. Chines

5 favorite people
1. Mitch
2. My kids
3. Vern
4. Amy
5. Lauren

5 favorite songs
1. Jukebox Hero
2. Blessed the Broken Road
3. Breathe
4. Sweet Child O Mine
5. Beautiful boy

5 favorite places
1. Home with my family
2. Columbia River
3. Guam
4. Oregon Coast
5. Utah

5 favorite movies
1. Shawshank Redemption
2. Sound of Music
3. Lord of the Rings Trilogy
4. Harry Potter Movies
5. Anything with Catherine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy

July 16, 2006

Blog-a- Latte

That is to say that my blog is going to act like it has had a caffiene injection!
Stand by, I'm going to play catch up with my blog :) I know it probably isn't the "done" thing to go back and post - but it's my blog and I'll back post if I want to ;) So if you are reading this - you may want to scroll down to some of the older stuff to see what you "missed".

July 15, 2006

July 15th Blogger Challenge

List 5 specific moments that brought you joy this week.

1. Brett told me I was beautiful
2. Braeden gave me a hug for now reason
3. My indoor plants are still alive.
4. Emma crawled on my lap to snuggle and watch a movie.
5. Mitch held my hand as we walked.

July 06, 2006

Extreme Mom

Well, this is as extreme as my kids have seen me get. They didn't think I'd do it - but I showed them!! Good thing there isn't any sound on this video, or you would hear my high pitched screaming as I bounced across the wake, and got swung way out to the side during the turns! It was a lot of fun, and since it was so hot out, it was wonderful to be cool on the water. Braeden took this video while I was tubing behind our boat on the Columbia River during the weekend before the 4th of July.

July 02, 2006

My niece is a mommy - again

Nope, not the niece in the last post :) Another one. You are probably wondering exactly how many nieces I have - and I got to thinking about that too, so I did a little tally and here it is:

11 nieces
6 nephews
6 great nieces
14 great nephews
and 1 great niece, 1 great nephew and 1 great something on the way.

Sheesh - we aren't shy about populating the world :)

But I digress, back to the baby at hand. New little great nephew made his appearance while we were in the area, here is the little birth card off the hospital website.

July 01, 2006

My Niece is married

My niece got married today, and we attended the wedding reception. My niece J and my sister are members of the LDS church, as is her fiance, so her ceremony was in the Temple, and non-members don't attend. But she had a beautiful reception aftewards and a little ring ceremony. I'd never met her fiance, but he seemed like a nice fellow, very polite and well spoken. I hope they will be very happy together.

I made them this as an engagement present, to help show my support for J., because I love her and she was going through some tough times with her Dad and some of his family being less than supportive of the engagement and marriage. She loved it and displayed it at the reception - I was honored.

July 1 Blog Challenge

List 5 Favorite Things About Yourself
1. Loyalty
2. Sense of Humor
3. Work Ethic
4. Long Legs
5. Eyes