July 01, 2006

My Niece is married

My niece got married today, and we attended the wedding reception. My niece J and my sister are members of the LDS church, as is her fiance, so her ceremony was in the Temple, and non-members don't attend. But she had a beautiful reception aftewards and a little ring ceremony. I'd never met her fiance, but he seemed like a nice fellow, very polite and well spoken. I hope they will be very happy together.

I made them this as an engagement present, to help show my support for J., because I love her and she was going through some tough times with her Dad and some of his family being less than supportive of the engagement and marriage. She loved it and displayed it at the reception - I was honored.


  1. Congrats to your niece! I hope they are very happy together. Love the gift and how cool that she put it on display for everyone to see!
