December 01, 2005

And the survey says!

Found this on another blog - thought it was a fun one - so here goes. If you read this, then you need to answer it on your blog and let me know you did!!

1. When was the last time you went to the bathroom outside? Wow, that has been a long time ago, when we were camping I think! Although last week we were stuck in traffic and I was tempted to make a run for the bushes!

2. When was the last time you saw one of your parents? I saw my Pops at Thanksgiving.

3. Which family member do you most resemble? Hard one, don't think I really look like any of them.

4. Do you wear cologne/perfume? NO. DH hasn't bought me any in a long time.

5. Do you wear deodorant? Of course!!

6. Do you ‘clean up nice’? Hmm, I do okay, but I'll never be on America's Next Top Model.

7. When was the last time you tripped and fell? Just before vacation 2 summers ago. Fell off the porch - was very embarassing.

8. where was the last place you slept besides your home? At my sister Janet's house over Thanksgiving.

9. What are you listening to right now? The kids chattering.

10. Have you ever started an uncontrollable fire? No.

11. Ever run out of gas on the road? When I was a teenager, had a 1960 Nash Rambler convertible and the gas gauge didn't work.

12. Would you rather cut the grass or rake the leaves? Cut the grass - raking leaves is too much work!

13. Your name spelled backwards. mik

14. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer? Some fonts and digital scrapping stuff I bought to make my blog banner

15. Last time you swam in a pool. Over a year ago.

16. Have you ever been in a school play? Yes, in high school. It was Hello Dolly, I think.

17. How many kids do you want? I have the exact amount that I always wanted - 3.

18. Type of music you dislike most? Rap and classical

19. Are you registered to vote? Yes.

20. Do you have cable? No, DirecTV.

21. Ever prank call anybody? Yeah, when I was way young.

22. Best friends? Mitch.

23. Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving? I think I'd rather do sky diving.

24. Do you have a garden? No, I have a black thumb.

25. What’s your favorite comic strip? Hmm, never read them - but have fond memories of Garfield.

26. Bath or Shower, morning or night? Showe in the morning. Baths only to soak, not to clean.

27. Best movie you’ve seen in the past month? I liked Stealth.

28. Favorite pizza topping? Pepperoni

29. Chips or popcorn? Chips, popcorn gets stuck in my teeth.

30. What color lipstick do you usually wear? Pale pink gloss.

31. Have you ever smoked peanut shells? Man I am out of the loop, never heard of doing this.

32. Orange Juice or apple? Orange

33. Favorite type of chocolate bar? Plain ole Hershey Milk Chocolate bar.

34. When was the last time you voted at the polls? I've never gone to a polling place to vote, always do the mail in vote - now the whole county has gone to mandatory mail in voting.

35. Last time you ate a homegrown tomato? I hate raw tomatoes - so never.

36. Are you a good cook? I get by, I like to bake more than cook and I'm not real adventurous, more a meat and potatoes kind of cook :)

37. Ever order anything from an infomercial? Nope, been tempted a few times though.

38. Sprite or 7-up? Sprite

39. Have you ever had to wear a uniform to work? Not an actual uniform, but black pants, white shirt, and red bow tie with a red apron when I waitressed at a Chinese restaurant.

40. Ever thrown up in public? Not than I can willingly remember.

41. Would you prefer being a millionaire or find true love? True love with a millionaire :) LOL.

42. Do you believe in love at first sight? A spark of recognition, but I think love blooms over time.

43. Can ex’s be friends? Depends on the ex's and the circumstances. Would be weird at first, but can't we all just get a long.

44. Who was the last person you visited in a hospital? My Mom during her lung biopsy.

45. Did you have a lot of hair as a baby? I don't know, but probably, I have a lot now.

46. What message is on your answering machine? The generic robot voice pre-programmed one.

47. What do you think about most? Scrapping

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