December 08, 2005

Christmas spirit

This time of the year, there are those that are filled with Christmas Spirit. Sad to say that I ain't one of them, unless the spirit is Rum.

When I was a kids, I reveled in all things Christmas. It was a joy to shop for the perfect present for friends and family. I loved decorating for Christmas, and one memorable year, made little stockings out of construction paper that had every person in my family's name on them. Considering I am the youngest of 8 and my siblings are quite some older than me, and already had kids of their own - that was quite the undertaking!

Now, as an adult, I guess that I am all caught up in the Have To Do's, and that has pushed the joy of Christmas aside. I think it gets buried under the to buy list, the christmas card list, the baking list, the Christmas menu, and the writing of the holiday letter.

I don't know how to change that, and believe me I have tried. How do you find the joy in Christmas???


  1. I ADORE xmas..I don't know why but i just do. :)

    It's the giving that makes me so happy! And knowing that I don't *have* to get anything done but I choose to you know???

    Happy Holidays Kim!

  2. I feel your pain Kim. I used to love Christmas but the last couple of years it just hasn't been the same for me.

    I really need to stop saying "yes" to everyone and just do the stuff that makes me happy.

    Merry Christmas to you!
    Jen :)
