December 20, 2005

I've been tagged

Annette (pixleyyy) decided to tag me, so here goes.

The rules for this particular tagging are as follows:

Remove the blog name in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add yourself to the bottom slot.
1. Courtney
2. Beth
3. Deanna (View of Life)
4. A Scrap of Life (Annette)
5. Creative Chaos (Kim J)

Then you get to select five people to pass the love on to.
1. Jen
2. Lacey
3. Carolyn
4. Heather
5. Astra

Now, on to the questions!

What were you doing 10 years ago? Getting ready to move to Guam

What were you doing one year ago? Going through my 1st Christmas without my Mom

Five snacks you enjoy:
1. chocolate
2. pizza
3. Nachos
4. cashews
5. Chocolate covered cherries

Five songs to which you know all the lyrics:
1. Don't Stop Believing - Journey
2. You're My Jamaica - Charlie Pride
3. Jingle Bells
4. Happy Birthday
5. Feliz Navidad

Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:
1. Pay all my and my family's bills
2. Set the kids up for college, send some of my nieces and nephews also
3. Travel
4. Buy my dream home or homes.
5. Sponsor a family for a year.

Five bad habits:
1. Too much time on the computer
2. yelling
3. Not folding the laundry
4. Shopping just to shop
5. Not exercising

Five things you like doing:
1. Scrapbooking
2. Listening to music
3. Having a fun day with the family
4. reading books
5. Sudoku

Five things you would never wear, buy, or get new again:
2. overalls
3. short skirts
4. bell bottoms
5. super-high heels

Five favorite toys:
1. computer
2. scrapbook goodies
3. CD Player
4. printer
5. camera


  1. This is my first Christmas without my mom. I will survive it, just as you did a year ago! Thanks for reminding me that I will live through this!

  2. LOVE Journey!! Wow - now I've got that song zipping through my head!
