December 03, 2005

The Ballet

We had a very enjoyable day! We went early to McCaw Hall in Seattle, and ate at the Impromptu Cafe there and browsed the gift shop. Ruth (our neighbor) Emma and I, also had our picture taken with the Nutcracker, can't wait until they come in the mail. Emma looked so beautiful in her dress!! Don't you think??

There are more pictures from the ballet in the Flickr badge on the right side of the page.

The performance was beautiful. One of the dancers played a peacock and she was so graceful and beautiful. I was suprised at the amount of noise their toe shoes make as they move across the floor - it was a bit distracting. Guess I'd never thought about that part of it, only thought how graceful they looked.

Emma was great during the whole thing, and said it was the greatest day of her life! Of course before we left for the ballet, she said that she couldn't wait for the popcorn, and I had to explain to her that it wasn't like the movies LOL.


  1. She looks like a little princess. Glad you had a great time at the ballet, and I'm still laughing about the popcorn comment!

  2. OMG'sh Kim, look at her...she is so beautiful! Glad you guys were able to go and you had fun!

  3. Glad you guys had a great time!!! She looks so BEAUTIFUL!!!!
