January 28, 2006


It is amazing the places you can make friends these days. Some of the people that I consider my best friends I have found through the internet, and we have never met in person.

One of those friends is Bonni, who I met through another friend Tasha. Bonni has become a very good friend, even though we haven't ever met in real life. When my Mom passed away in 2004, Bonni made me this gorgeous layout, based on a story that I told about the day my Mom passed away and on a photo that I had posted previously of my Mom and I. I was so touched that someone would go to the effort to make something so beautiful for me. Bonni was so worried that she would upset me with the layout, that she emailed me a picture before sending it and apologized in advance if she upset me. Dork! I love it and I can't believe I haven't shared it with anyone yet. I promised Belinda that I would post this - so here it is.

The day that my Mom passed away, all 8 of her children were there, along with various in-laws and neices and nephews, quite a crowd. We would take turns going into the house to spend time with her. At one point quite a few of us were sitting outside and a hummingbird kept coming over and hovering at the bush right by our shoulders and then would fly up to the tree next to us and just sit there. We all commented on how it was so odd to actually see a hummingbird just sit, and also on the fact that the bird hung around so closely to us. Hummingbirds were always my Mom's favorite and she collected hummingbird stuff. I commented to my sister that maybe it was Mom's spirit guide and by brother said maybe it's an angel. It is a special memory and I was so shocked when I got this from Bonni. All the thought and time that went into it. I cherish it!

Bonni you are a great person and I'm glad to call you my friend.


  1. Hi, just passing thru, noticed you too live in Kingston!!

    Take care

  2. That layout is awesome and the story, well you should have put a box of kleenex out for us.

  3. Awwe, Kim...I have tears...I love you too girl!

  4. My mother swears her mother reincarnated as a yellow butterfly... a similar story to your hummingbird one. Thanks for sharing...

  5. What a beautiful layout and friendship.

  6. absolutely amazing...i love how so many times we are given something tangible to hold on to - like your hummingbird. I have one of those kinds of things too...and while the loss hurts always...I do kind of brighten up when I see my rainbow. I hope that will happen for you each time you see a hummingbird.
