January 27, 2006

I've been tagged

Lacey and Jen both tagged me - so here goes. At least this forces me to update my blog :)

The tagged victim lists 8 different points of their perfect partner & give the gender. In order to avoid the meme curse I must tag 8 victims (they would be listed at the bottom of this post) to join this game & leave a comment on a post letting them know they've been tagged.

My partner: Male

8 qualities of my perfect partner (in no particular order of importance) :

1. sense of humor
2. shows affection easily
3. cute butt
4. awesome dad
5. beautiful eyes
6. intelligent
7. great work ethic
8. helps around the house

Guess I'm going to be a victim of the meme curse - whatever that is LOL, cause I don't have 8 victims to tag - ya'll beat me to it!

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