January 17, 2012

A to Z Reading Challenge 2012

Read 26 books in a year, one for each letter of the alphabet. (X just has to have X somewhere in the title)

I chose classics - some I have read long ago - and don't remember well - others I've never read. I am anxious for my first book to come from the library - so I can get started!

 If you want to play along - click on the logo above - and join in!

You can view my list on Goodreads or in the Goodreads widget in the right side bar of this blog. I will rate each book as I read it :)  Here is to a year of great reading!

Day 15 of 17
Miles this Month: 25.25

1 comment:

  1. Wow that is pretty cool. I never thought of reading books A to Z.
