May 09, 2006

Been awhile

Boy, it sure has been awhile - did ya miss me?? ;) Nah, I know you all are use to the long down times between posts. I always say I will try to be better - but you obviously see how well that works! LOL.

So, I see that my last post was about our easter egg coloring. I just finished a layout with those pictures - here it is

It's using the On the Goodship Lollipop Kit from Scrap Addict, featuring Basic Grey papers, and it is a sketch by Catherine CA49.

Now for a gripe. My new scanner is making me MAD! It so totally washes out the colors on anything that I scan. I emailed the tech support a couple days ago, and so far have heard back nothing!! I am so disappointed - hopefully they will get back to me soon.

So anyway, there is a small post to keep you happy. I'm still in the middle of NSD activities for Scrap Addict and I need to get in gear, those challenge ho-bags over there mean business - and I'm not getting left behind ;)


  1. I love the layout and have missed your posts!!

    I had the same problem with my scanner until I stopped using their software to scan and started using Microsoft Picture It instead. Hope you can get it all figured out and good luck with all the challenges. :)

  2. I had no idea you frequented scrapaddict. I did a few kit challenges this weekend (on my blog) and used a few of the sketches. Great page!!!

  3. Glad to see you are still alive and kicking:-) I miss seeing your posts and work:-)

  4. I have to ask -- on the easter layout did you cut out all those letters from the paper? Wow -- you are awesome!!
