March 15, 2011


Normally I am a glass half full kind of gal, but occasionally I will get a little black cloud that hangs over my head and makes me a threat to anyone that looks at me remotely funny.  Today is such a day and I know why I am feeling this way and it is because of something that should be making me happy and excited.

30 days until Mitch comes home.  This should be a cause for celebration, it is something that we are all looking forward to, but right now I'm feeling more than just a little cranky about the whole thing. He has been gone over a year, and I am feeling frazzled.  Feeling like I am hanging on by my fingernails and it won't take much to tip me over the edge.  I know that soon I will begin to feel the excitement of him coming home, right now I just feel like it has been a long hard road and I want to lay my head down and cry for awhile.

So being a military spouse, I won't do what I want, but I will pick myself up, dry my eyes and put a brave face on for my kids and my hubby - while inside I am chanting a mantra of  "I can do this for 30 more days" and hope that will make it a reality.

1 comment:

  1. Wish I could give you the hug you really need. I know how you feel and I know how hard it is to put on that brave face all the time! Love you!
