February 12, 2009

International Night

We have the Passport Club at our Elementary school and I am the volunteer coordinator and also help out on Check Day. My good friend Paula runs the club and she is passionate about the fact that kids should know about the world that they live in. This year she ran a fundraiser for the club - and decided that the kids who participated in the fundraiser would get a great reward. Her first thought was a field trip to the Pacific Science Center in Seattle to see Lucy's Legacy , but due to some transportation and insurance issues - that had to be cancelled. Next she decided to hold an International Night, and have volunteers prepare foods from different countries and she would prepare a recipe book/passport that would tell a bit about each country - give the recipe and have a place where when they went to the "Country" to taste the food they would get a stamp in their passport. All her had work paid off, we had a lot of attendance - there was great food and the kids got to learn about drums and African dance and music from the group Planet Afua . I was the "official" photographer for the night and took tons of photos, I also got to taste lots of food. My favorite by far was this dish

Ethiopian Injera and Doro Wat (bread and chicken stew)

Combine 2 ½ cups flour, 1 tbsp. baking powder in a bowl. Whisk in 3 cups club soda or sparkling water. Mix into a smooth thin batter. Heat a large non stick skillet. Dip enough batter from the bowl to cover the bottom of the skillet and pour in quickly, all at once. Lift and rotate the pan to cover the bottom completely with a thin layer, and set it back down on the heat. When the moisture has evaporated and small holes appear in the surface, remove the injera. Stack the injera on top of each other and keep warm in the oven on low.

Doro Wat:

Chop up 4 cups of chicken and cook in 1 stick of butter. Add 5 large cloves of garlic, chopped. Also add 1 small chopped onion and 2-3 carrot stalks- sliced. Season with 1 tsp. chili powder and ½ tsp. pepper and salt, or to taste. Add in one can of tomato sauce (14 oz) and simmer for ½ hour or so, until carrots are tender. Stir in 3-5 hardboiled eggs, chopped and serve with injera.

You take a piece of the injera and wrap it up around the stew- eating with your fingers.

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