March 25, 2006

LAZY!!! (part 2)

Well, looks like it has been a lot longer than it should have been since I posted on my blog. Thanks to Bonni, Jen, and Lacey for reminding me :) Not a whole lot going on in my life lately - except for trips to the Doctor. Emma had a bladder infection, and was on antibiotics. I went in for my annual exam, and they called and said I had a bladder infection, so I went on antibiotics. Brett started running a fever, and cough - so took him to the dr., they did a chest xray - he had pneumonia - so he went on antibiotics. Braeden started running a fever, and cough - took him to the dr. since his brother has pneumonia - likely he does too - so he went on antibiotics. 5 trips to the clinic and 7 to the pharmacy, plus 2 trips to the eye doctor in the last month. Thank goodness the military has decent insurance and our medications are free - or we'd be in trouble!!

The FSB has my scrapping mojo again. Which isn't a good thing, since I gave a gift certificate of a scrapped wedding album to some friends for their wedding last spring, and they just finally brought me all their stuff. So, if you see the FSB, tell him I want my mojo back!!

So, there, done, blog updated!! That wasn't so bad - guess I'd just better try better to stay on top of it!!


  1. YAY an update:-) Hope everyone is one the mend now and the sickies stay FAR FAR from your house for a while.

    I'll keep an eye out for FSB so that I can knock him upside the head for you!

  2. I hope that you are all well soon! Hugs to you! Thank goodness for insurance is right.

    Great on the mojo too!

  3. Glad to see you back I was going to suggest a game to Lacey and Bonni to see how many times we could post before you updated. :D

    Good lucking getting the wedding album done!!

  4. well FSB hasn't been here, I can assure you of that...when I find him though I'll be sure and use up all his creative juices before sending him your way
