March 26, 2006

Garlic Fries!!!

So, Mitch went out for a few drinks after work on Friday, at my urging I might add. I had visions of scrapping time dancing in my head. But, that turned out not to be, as I got a call from him saying that he would need a ride home, and would call when he was ready. So I knew that if I started trying to scrap - he'd call right in the middle of it, so why bother.

So the call comes to go get him, and I drive the 40 minutes to the base to pick him up at the club. I get there, it is very loud and he and his friends have to lean in close to talk - and OMG!!! The smell! The stench!! The overpowering aroma!!!

They had all had the same thing:


I kid you not, the smell was overwhelming. It was coming out of Mitch's pores, and it stunk up the truck and the house. When he woke up in the morning, I had a headache, which I told him was from smelling Garlic Fries all night. He had the worst taste in his mouth - and not even brushing his teeth and his tongue and gargling with Listerine could take it away.

These things might be delicious, but they linger!! So the moral to this story is: When you are out drinking don't over indulge in Garlic fries - or they will outlast the hangover!!!