July 13, 2010

Tales from the Scale - W1D1

Ala  CZ  I am going to document my journey from fat to fit.

Reading along as CZ has progressed on her journey has been an inspiration, and I am finally ready to put my feet to the path and begin my journey. My goal is to get down under 200 pounds, for the first time in too long, and also to be ready to run a 5K with my husband when he returns from his deployment to Africa.  These goals need to be met by April 2011. 

I began by getting my equipment in order, figuring that the money outlay would help keep me motivated ;)  I ordered a new treadmill one that is more suited for running, bought a Nike+ iPod Sport Kit, and a sensor pouch for my non-nike+ shoes. I also downloaded some apps from iTunes for my iPod Touch - One Hundred Push Ups , Two Hundred Sit Ups , and Couch to 5K .  I also ordered a Gorillamobile for my iPod touch - so I can put it on the treadmill while I workout.

Then I cleaned out the work out room so it will be ready for the new treadmill when it arrives next week.  Until it arrives I will be working out on the old faithful treadmill, that Mitch has almost worn out with his running. The room is pretty bare, but eventually I will get a TV up on the wall and maybe some posters.

After reading about it and talking with Mitch I have decided that I am going to be a barefoot runner. In the past I have always had problems with shoe fit, even though I've gone to running stores and had my gait analyzed and shoes fit for me. I would end up with numb feet and sore shins.  After reading about barefoot runners on RLAM, I've decided it might just be for me.  Now what to do with my Nike+ sensor....hmmm.

During my work out today, my shins didn't hurt, my bad leg didn't bother me, and I didn't get any numbness in my feet. I'm hoping that continues and that barefoot is the way to go for me. If this continues to work for me and if I get brave and try running outside, I will get some of the Vibram Five Fingers -aren't they uuuugly?

All in all, my workout today took me about an hour.  I worked out first thing this morning before work, and now I feel like I could/should work out again tonight - LOL.  Let's hope this honeymoon phase continues!

1 comment:

  1. I'll help keep you motivated if you will help me! I have a friend who has some of those shoes and while they look funny she loves them!! Does it really help with shin splints to run barefoot? Maybe that is what I am doing wrong too??

    I'll be looking for more progress as you go!!
