January 03, 2011

New Year Resolutions

Yeah, I conform to the pressure and make 'em - do I keep 'em? That I'm not so good at - LOL. The same resolutions seem to be making the list year after year - but I have made progress - so I count that as successful!

My resolutions this year are:

1. Scrap more! My kids have told me how much they enjoy their scrapbooks and they want me to scrap more - and so do I. To that end - Jen & I have started an small online scrapping community that is geared toward giving us all that push we need to scrap - it's called Paper Pushers.

2. Be fit! Mitch and I made a pact before he left for Africa that we would run a 5k together when he returned. I've made some progress - but I let some breathing issues derail me. I have lost 15 pounds since he left - and am stronger - but want to me even more so! To that end, I've begun doing the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred - along with my friend Jen. I will also be doing the C25K program and my push up and sit up programs.

3. Be more fiscally minded. I've been fortunate in my life that I have pretty much always had the money for things that I need/want. Unfortunately that mind set has made me not watch where my $$ is going. This year I vow to make a budget and stick to it. To that end, I'm giving myself an allowance each week in cash, and leaving the debit card at home. That will make me more mindful of how I'm spending my money.

So those are my top 3 resolutions, there are more - but these are the ones I really want to focus on. Wish me luck!


  1. Hey are you copying me! LOL those look very similar to mine! Good luck and I'm here if you need a push!

  2. OK you had me agreeing with you until the budget thing, LOL!
